Another Multi-Level Marketing company is approaching my IBOs and damaging Amway’s reputation
Report any incidences to Amway, providing as much information as possible. Try to include the name of the person approaching your downline, the name of the company they are promoting or prospecting for, and any evidence of the incident that you can provide to us.
It is important to be aware of the Rules regarding the promotion of another MLM or network marketing business. In part, Rule 4.16 prohibits and IBO from supplying or selling to other IBOs any products or services which are supplied through another MLM.
The reason for this rule is to ensure that Amway’s confidential information, that being Line of Sponsorship details, remains confidential and is not being used for a purpose other than the Amway business. IBOs cannot use such personal information for a purpose beyond building and running their Amway business and assisting their groups to do the same.
If the person contacting you about another business is an IBO, whether in your LOS or another LOS, it is important to notify Amway. The company can take steps in line with the Rules of Conduct to ensure that the matter is resolved and the activity is stopped as soon as possible with minimal disruption to the LOS involved.
If you do come across individuals who are trying to promote another MLM to your group, we recommend that you encourage and support your downline and their business to reduce the chances of them moving to another MLM company. It is important to highlight the benefits of Amway, what makes the company stand out and share your own positive experience with your group.