Is there a joining fee when I register?
No there is no joining fee. The joining fee is incorporated in your registration fee. As every Amway Independent Business Owner is UNIQUE, and every Amway IBO should have the FLEXIBILITY to PERSONALISE their choice of products to register with… try, buy and share.
That’s why the Amway Build Your Own Registration Kit is here!
To BUILD YOUR OWN REGISTRATION KIT, it takes just 3 easy tasks…
- Choose from Amway Top Products worth a minimum of $99 AUD or $119NZD
- Choose any additional products you’d like to try (optional)
- Opt-in to receive a free Product Catalogue (optional)
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your local Amway State Sales Manager, local Business Centre Staff or call our Amway Regional Contact Centre on 0800 611 611.