Can I promote or retail ARTISTRY®, SATINIQUE®, or NUTRIWAY® in a retail location?
Yes, but there are strict conditions surrounding this. This exception to the retail rule is only available to IBOs who work in professions relating to the product they wish to sell. The IBO must have completed a Government accredited program in order to promote such products in a retail location.
A qualified beautician is able to promote ARTISTRY in their salon, and a qualified hair dresser can sell SATINIQUE to customers in their salon.
The only product that can be visible is the working product you are using on the customer, and you cannot offer a sale until the customer has either asked about the product you are using, or asks for a recommendation..
The sales must take place in a one-on-one environment, and the products or advertisements for the products (including posters) must not be openly displayed in the salon.
A qualified doctor, nutritionist, dietitian, and/or personal trainer can recommend NUTRIWAY products to their customers.
As above, the sales must be done in a one-on-one environment, and the products or advertisements for the product (including posters, for example) must not be openly displayed in the gym or the consultation/waiting rooms.
Refer to our Rules of Conduct for IBOs for more information.
You should also ensure that the customer you are offering the product to is not already an existing IBO, or a customer of another IBO. If they are an existing IBO, the promotion or sale of the product must stop there. If it is discovered that they are a customer of another IBO, you are to encourage the customer to purchase the product from their existing IBO.
In both instances, you are permitted and encouraged to supply them with the necessary details to order the products themselves or via their usual seller.