What does it cost to set up a booth?
Costs to set up a booth can vary and it is important that you do some research before you submit a booth application. Find out if there are any charges from the event organiser. Then you need to work out your costs to set up your event with tables, promotional material and stock. Check out the Booth & Events section on the Amway web site to find out the cost to purchase the product promotional material. As you work out your costs we recommend that you find out from the organiser information such as how many people are expected to attend the event. From there you can make a broad assessment as to the possible sales potential. It may be prudent to be conservative when establishing expectations, especially if you have not done this before. In many cases you may not know what your possible sales levels will be until you actually have run your event. In any case, you should always establish what kind of retail profit you would be happy with.