Can I use Amway products in septic systems?
A significant percentage of our population has their household waste water treated using a septic tank system in their own yards. Many Amway customers have asked which Amway products can be used where waste water is treated in a septic tank system.
The U.S. Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) has completed a 5 year study and concluded "When used as directed, household cleaning products are safe for septic tanks".
Amway has not tested each of its products to specifically confirm compatibility with septic tanks Nonetheless, based on the SDA findings, it is our firm belief that all Amway Home Care products are completely safe for all types of household septic waste treatment systems, including traditional septic treatment systems as well as other types of household sewerage treatment systems (e g Bio Cycle, Envirocycle, Aquanova), when used as directed.